White Sage Smudge Stick

Multiple Sizes


Smudging is a powerful and meaningful ceremony embraced by Native Americans and various indigenous cultures to cleanse the body, aura, and energy of a space, whether for personal reflection or ceremonial purposes. By incorporating the spirits of sacred plants, this practice effectively removes negative energies and restores a sense of balance and harmony. It’s essential to recognize the diverse traditions of different tribes, each offering unique methods of smudging. Approach this sacred ritual with sincerity and a pure heart, ensuring your intentions are aligned with its profound purpose.

A variety of plants are used in smudging ceremonies:

  • Sage removes negative energies
  • Sweet grass attracts positive energies and sweetness
  • Cedar wards off sickness
  • Lavender brings spiritual blessing

To perform a smudging ceremony, burn dried herb clippings in a fireproof bowl and waft the smoke around your body and spirit, especially near areas that need spiritual healing using your hands, feathers or a fan. As you move the smoke, take the time to pray to the Creator and spirits for guidance while allowing the smudge to dispel negative influences and invite positive ones into your space.

Smudging traditions vary depending on the tribe, but it is imperative to perform this practice with careful intention as you are engaging with the powerful energies of the plants and the spirits that guide the ceremonies. It is essential to approach this ritual with absolute respect and honour.

*Due to its rising popularity and threats from overharvesting, white sage is listed on the United Plant Savers' "To Watch" list. To help protect wild populations, many herbalists suggest that enthusiasts grow their own white sage, allowing them to cultivate a personal supply while also fostering a connection with the plant.


  • Organically and sustainably grown
  • Traditionally harvested by select Indigenous companies in Northern Baja
  • Available in multiple sizes
  • Sold individually; priced per one bundle
  • Not for internal consumption

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