Dark Forest Talking Board



Discover the hidden knowledge of the beyond with the Dark Forest Talking Board, also known as a 'spirit board'. Allow yourself to connect with the unknown through the beautifully designed dark forest motif. Just place your fingers on the planchette and let the mystical tool reveal its secrets. Keep in mind, this is not a mere toy, but a powerful instrument for profound experiences and spiritual connections.


A spirit board (or talking board) is a fun way to speak to the spirits. It is a board consisting of the alphabet, the numbers 0 to 9, a 'Yes' and 'No', and a 'Goodbye'. Spiriit boards also come with a heart shaped piece of wood or plastic, known as a 'planchette', this is moved by the spirits around the board to spell out words to the participants.


  1. Firstly, you must create an ambience to set the mood. Try lighting some candles in a dark room, or burn incense or smudge sticks.
  2. Gatherr 2 or 3 friends and stay calm and respectfulwhiile using the talking board.
  3. Decide on who will be the medium. This is the person who will communicate to the spirits and ask the group's questions.
  4. Begin with a ritual. This could be a prayer, a welcome, or any activity that would encourage positive energy.
  5. Be patient as a spirit may not arrive immediately, or at all. Once they do arrive, make sure to ask a simple questiion at first.
  6. Once you've asked a question, lightly place your finger on the planchette. Make sure to not push the planchette or put too much pressure on it.
  7. To close the conversation, say Goodbye out loud and wait patiently for the planchette to move to the 'Goodbye' on the board. If there's no reply from the spirit, move the planchette to 'Goodby' yourself.

If the planchette starts to move in a 'figure of eight', counts down to Z-A or 9-0, end the conversatiion by moving the planchette to 'Goodbye'. After each use be sure to rub your board with a soft dry cloth and smudge it with your favourite incense or herb.

Recommended for adult use only. This spirit board is neither a toy nor a professional tool for making spiritual connections. Use with caution.

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